Saturday, November 30, 2019

My grandparents are approaching their Golden Wedding Anniversary Essay Example

My grandparents are approaching their Golden Wedding Anniversary Essay My grandparents are approaching their Golden Wedding Anniversary. It is my objective to organise the event for them.Tasks.Tasks that I will have to perform will include* Using a word processor and database to write a letter to local hotels, asking for information about prices, availability and food.* Using a database to create a list of guests for the party.* Creating invitations for the party and merging them with the database to personalise them.* Creating envelopes for the invitations, and print the envelopes out by merging them with the guest-list database.* Creating menus for the evening, with the same colour scheme and format as the invitation.* Sending directions from guests houses to the chosen hotel, and send them to guests who live outside the county of Pembrokeshire.For each of the tasks I will give examples of my work and explain step-by-step how I completed each task.Task 1.Objective: Send letters to local hotels, requesting information about whether they can cater for a party of approximately sixty people. It would also be helpful to find out information such as pricing and any special offers available.Step One.Firstly, I had to obtain the names and addresses of local hotels. To achieve this, I visited the Yellow Pages website,, and searched for HOTELS in PEMBROKESHIRE. This gave me a list of hotels, which I entered into a temporary database.Step Two.I then began to type the letter. Figure 1 shows my first draft of it. I didnt really think about presentation for this, but just focused on getting the spelling and grammar correct.Step Three.After I had checked the first draft, I experimented with different font styles, to hopefully improve the presentation. Figure 2 and Figure 3 show two styles that I tried.Step Four.I decided that the original draft looked better than any of the enhanced version, but it looked too squashed together, and only took up half of the page. To solve this, I inserted blank lines between lines and left a spac e at the bottom for my granddads signature.Step Five.After I was satisfied with the appearance of the letter, I merged it with my database of hotels. Figure 4 shows that I inserted the Company, Address 1, Address 2, Town, County and Postal Code fields from my database into the document.Step Six.After this had been done, I merged the letter with my database and sent it to each hotel. (Figures 5 9 show copies of each letter that I sent to the hotels.)Task 2.Objective: Create a database of guests. The database should include their names, along with contact information.Step One.Using Microsoft Access, I compiled a database of guests.Step Two.I also printed these out, so my granddad could check them.Step Three.Figure 1 shows that when I first printed out the sheets, they appeared on two pages. Although this was not a major problem, it would be more convenient if the list was on a single page.Step Four.To solve this, I changed the page layout from portrait to landscape. The database now just fitted on one page. Figure 2 shows a copy of this.Step Five.After looking over the second copy (Figure 2) I noticed another problem. The data in the Address 1, Town and County fields was too long and had been cut off. To solve this, I increased the width of the fields and the data now fitted.Step Six.Because I had increased the width of some of the fields, the database was now too long again and took up two pages. To solve this I decreased the widths of other fields, and the database now fitted on a single page. Figure 3 shows a copy of the final printout of the guest list.Task 3.Objective: Create invitations for the event. They should be made to a suitable and tasteful theme, and the information should be enough to inform guests of the main arrangements (venue, time, etc.), but they should not contain too much information so that they become overwhelming and hard to read as that would spoil them.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Sea Shells by the Seashore - Practice the S Sound

Sea Shells by the Seashore - Practice the 'S' Sound Tongue twisters are fun words games we use to challenge our pronunciation. As an English learner, you can use tongue twisters to help with pronunciation of certain sounds. This tongue twister  is perfect for practicing your s sounds. Use lots of breath to help you get the hissing s sound strong. Remember that s is voiceless - pronounced without the voice by pushing air between your teeth and through open and rounded lips. Sea Shells by the Sea Shore She sells sea shells by the seashore.The shells she sells are surely seashells.So if she sells shells on the seashore,Im sure she sells seashore shells. Improve Your Pronunciation of S Sea Shells by the Seashore helps you practice s. The s sound is voiceless and sometimes confused with the z sound which is voiced, or the sh sound which is also voiceless.  Practice the difference in these sounds with minimal pairs - words that only have a difference between the s, z and sh sound.   sip - ship - zipsea - z - shesign - shinezap - sap Feel the Difference Between Voiceless and Voiced Sounds Place your hand on your throat and say sea and you will feel no vibration for the s sound. Place your hand on your throat and say zebra and youll feel no vibration at all for the z - a voiced sound.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Art of Cooking Essay Example for Free

Art of Cooking Essay I have a passion for culinary art. My double culture, and family background was behind this love . I always thought that being half French , half Moroccan is a great mixture , but starting to cook approved it to me . I remember when I used to sneak in my mom’s kitchen, and play with the ingredients. It was a great time where I learned how to mix, and make new dishes by improvising new combinations. For example, I mixed flavors and textures that were usually never combined. Or even add new colors in my dishes that raise their beauty. I was not the only one fascinated by food. My dad a professional chef got me into the world of pastry, and Moroccan traditional food ex: â€Å"Tagine,† which is primarily used to slow-cook savory stews and vegetable dishes. Because the domed or cone-shaped lid of the tagine traps steam and returns the condensed liquid to the pot. Morocco is the culinary star of North Africa; it is the doorway between Europe and Africa. Much imperial and trade influence has been filtered, and blended into this culture. Moroccan cooking is characterized by rich spices that combine anywhere from 10 to 100 spices. French and Moroccan cooking cuisines have been subject to Berber, Moorish, Arab, and European influences. Most French dishes are known for their complex, and rich flavors, we love bread, and wines. Most of people tried some French recipes, or food without knowing that is even French. You may find them all over the world. Ex: * Crepes: a very flat pancake typically stuffed with fruit or cream. * Baguette: a long French bread loaf. * Chocolate mousse: this lighter than air dessert originated in France. * Eclair : a pastry stuffed with cream and topped with icing. * Creme Brulee : Custard topped with hard caramel. â€Å"One cannot think well, love well, and sleep well, if one has not dined well. † Art of Cooking. (2017, Mar 24).

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

How should we react and respond to those who are significantly Essay

How should we react and respond to those who are significantly different from ourselves - Essay Example But resistance and antagonism towards the homosexuals is also growing. A case in point is the gay bashing of James Maestas in the New Mexican capital of Santa Fe, USA to a (Auslander, Jason. 2005). If the homosexuality is only a natural phenomenon and if the practitioners are frowned upon, it should be construed only as a majority versus minority issue, where minorities must be entitled to equal opportunities and should not be subjected to any discrimination. But is there more to the matter than meets the eye? So the Lord told Abraham, â€Å"I have heard a great outcry from Sodom and Gomorrah, because their sin is so flagrant.† (Genesis 18.20). The sins of Sodom and Gomorrah were lesbianism and homosexuality. Hence the organized Christian and Islamic religions will not be in a position to accept the practice of homosexuality. Devout Christians and Muslims may take the onus upon themselves to rid the society of such ‘sinful’ people, laying rumble strips on the path to a peaceful enactment of state laws to make same-sex relationship socially acceptable. Hindu texts, myths and sculptures, on the other hand, have at least maintained the existence of the third sex, homosexuality, etc. In the text Mahabharata, an important character, Shikhandi, is born female, but raised as a boy. The God’s promise to King Drupada, Shikhandi’s father, was that he would be neither man nor woman. The Hindu vedic sex manual known as ‘kama sutra’ describes homosexuality and lesbianism. Medieval Hindu temples such as Khajuraho depict some same-sex scenes on the external walls. The religious texts and the medieval sculptors would generate the impression that Hindus would accept homosexuality. In fact, sexuality is a taboo subject in modern India and same-sex marriage is banned. Hindu society does not approve of homosexuality and lesbianism, but of late, Hindu reform movements in the West publicly support social acceptance of lesbians and gays Winston

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

How the Emancipation Proclamation, the Thirteenth Amendment, and Other Essay

How the Emancipation Proclamation, the Thirteenth Amendment, and Other Federal Civil Rights Legislation Altered the Lives of African Americans - Essay Example The Emancipation Proclamation and the Thirteenth Amendment altered the lives of African Americans by setting them free from slavery and also keeping the slaves from having complete freedom. The new changes of the legislation were temporary because throughout the period of 1863 and 1877 the gang-labor system and other federal civil right complications rose, resulting in a new Amendment that consecrated black civil rights. After the defeat of the South, the slaves that weren’t controlled by the Union were freed. Lincoln did not free the slaves in the states that were loyal to the Union, simply because he did not want to upset them. The slaves that were freed weren’t completely free because the wages and the rules that plantation owners set up was similar to slavery. The gang-labor system Even though the Emancipation Proclamation claimed to end the slavery and relieve the blacks its impact was limited or restricted. It only was limited to the states that had seceded from the Union. So the slavery from the Border States was relatively unaffected. The freedom, therefore, was dependent on the Union Military victory. â€Å"Although the Emancipation Proclamation did not end slavery in the nation, it captured the hearts and imagination of millions of Americans and fundamentally transformed the character of the war. After January 1, 1863, every advance of federal troops expanded the domain of freedom. Moreover, the Proclamation announced the acceptance of black men into the Union Army and Navy, enabling the liberated to become liberators. By the end of the war, almost 200,000 black soldiers and sailors had fought for the Union and freedom.† (Archives Government)

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Organisational Change Management Essay Example for Free

Organisational Change Management Essay Organizational Change Management encompasses all activities aimed at helping an organization successfully accept and adopt new technologies and new ways to serve its customers. Effective change management enables the transformation of strategy, processes, technology, and people to enhance performance and ensure continuous improvement in an ever-changing environment. A comprehensive and structured approach to organizational change management is critical to the success of any project that will bring about significant change. Fig I. Adapted from State of Oklahoma CORE Project Change Management Plan In any large implementation, the Project Team can expect to experience resistance and reluctance to change. The Organizational Change Management will provide the various stakeholder groups information about the project’s purpose, scope, benefits, timeline and training opportunities as well as how the individual job environment will change due to the implementation of the applications. The messages we will provide via this plan will be customized, based on the specific needs of each group affected by the project. It is the intent of the project team that this Organizational Change Management effort will lessen the â€Å"Production Dip† that is inevitable in any varied and complex project. 2. Objective †¢ Discuss the Organizational Change Management team and explore ways Organizational Change Management can work with Apps Delivery †¢ Cover Organizational Change Management tools †¢ Explain Organizational Change Management metrics 3. Organizational Change Management Scope Overview a. Stakeholder Management The impact of organizational change imposed by implementation of a project should always be taken into account. To promote a successful delivery, identify who will be affected by the business process and technology changes that the project will cause. 1* For each stakeholder, determine their degree of support for the project and their influence on the organization. Develop a plan for how to build greater support among those with the most influence. 2* Identify stakeholders’ current and target level of project awareness. Ensure that stakeholders have an accurate understanding of the goals and anticipated impact of the project. 3* Assess your organization to identify enablers and challenges to implementing the project 4* Enroll stakeholders to participate in initiatives and to advocate/facilitate change. b. Communication Good communication is the lifeblood of any project. It is essential that the Project Manager provide timely and high quality information about the project to all stakeholders. It is equally important to listen to the stakeholders. Actively solicit their feedback and then respond constructively. 5* Identify the stakeholder groups in your project (e.g., senior management; end-users; sponsor) 6* Develop a communication plan that specifies who will get what information at what time, in what format and through what means of delivery (See section on Communication below) 7* Monitor feedback and respond in a constructive manner Discuss and record lessons learned throughout the project. Use them to improve how the next project may be carried out. c. Training Many IT projects fail because the user community receiving the product of the project (or the IT group responsible for maintaining it) does not receive adequate or properly focused training. It is important to understand the training needs of each stakeholder group, develop targeted training activities, and deliver content with the appropriate method. A good training plan will serve as an effective road map for training activities. d. Stakeholder Objectives An Audience Assessment will help you to determine the best feedback channels for each identified stakeholder group. It is important to understand the major questions and concerns that these groups may have, so that adequate attention can be paid to correcting misunderstandings, filling in the gaps, undoing rumors, etc. If you understand what the potential barriers to acceptance are, you will be better prepared to take proactive action to eliminate them. On the basis of these data, the project team will take appropriate steps (e.g. meetings with stakeholder groups, set up an information web site, distribute a newsletter) to alleviate the concerns of our Stakeholders and ensure that additional difficulties with perceptions about the project do not arise. These actions are detailed in the project’s Communication Plan. 4. Communication Objectives Effective strategic communication is the key to successfully implementing large-scale organizational initiatives. Interview your major stakeholders and find out what information they need. Based on this information, establish a formal Communication Plan that spells out in detail who requires what information, how they will get it, who will provide it, and the means and timing of all regular communications including reports, meetings, postings on web sites, etc. Consider every means of communication at your disposal to get the work out about the potential benefits, timing and training opportunities associated with your project. Make the Communication Plan available to all stakeholders, and be open to modifications in it as your needs change. Communication is the glue that binds internal and external stakeholders to the vision, mission, goals and activities of the project. Effective communication engages the hearts and minds of all stakeholders by facilitating movement along the continuum presented below. Fig II. Taken from State of Oklahoma CORE Project Change Management Plan 5. Training Objectives As stated earlier, training may be a crucial component of your Organizational Change Management Plan. Especially where business process is changed or new skills are required, it is paramount that employees be fully prepared before they are expected to perform new duties. The following steps will help you establish a training program appropriate to your project: Review your organization’s policies and procedures and determine which of them may require modification. Work with the organization to help them adapt to the changes. Learn the impact your project will have on individual jobs and workflow. Where impact is substantial, ensure that focused training is available. In the tables that follow, record the groups relevant to your project, their specific training needs and information about the training materials and facilities that you will use. Establish an appropriate curriculum. It is possible that the same material should be presented in very different ways depending on the background and skill level of the audience (e.g. business staff may require a less technical presentation than IT staff). Find or develop well qualified trainers. Create a plan for the post-implementation training support that may be required as new employees come into the organization, or as existing employees change jobs.) The project is expected to require significant modifications in the organization’s workflow and policies. So that the employees will be properly prepared when the new system comes on line, the project team has conducted extensive analysis of training needs. Based on this, the team has produced a plan that should smooth the way to a successful implementation. Steps taken include the following: a. Perform and Analyze the Results of a Job/Workflow Impact Analysis This system implementation will result in changes to business workflow. These changes will have a significant impact on the skills required of some of the people who will use the new system. In order to ensure that adequate training is provided, the project team performed a gap analysis between skills available and skills required, as follows: 8* Identify those positions (i.e. jobs) affected by the new system 9* Used specific tasks to link positions to new workflows (i.e. linked tasks required in the workflows to tasks performed as part of individuals’ jobs). 10* Noted those tasks that have changed. 11* Listed the skills required to perform each task 12* Determined if existing employees already have the skills needed to perform the new or changed tasks 13* Have arranged for training where skill gaps exist 14* Mapped positions to components of the new system 15* Are taking steps to ensure that each individual receives training for the components they will use 16* Will modify recruiting profiles to reflect new skill sets b. Provide the Organization with Information Necessary to Prepare for Upcoming Changes 17* Reviewed the policies and procedures of each major group in the organization that will be impacted by the new system (e.g., divisions, departments, etc.). 18* Identifed those policies and procedures that will change as a result of the new system. 19* Provided a checklist of needed changes to each organizational unit. 20* Assist organizational units in development of plans to adapt to the changes. c. Develop Curriculum and Content It proved necessary to develop very focused training programs for the various stakeholder groups in this project. Therefore, the training team has tailored the curriculum (topics covered, reference and other training materials used) and the content (specific information to be delivered) for each group. The training will be provided in settings appropriate to the content and group responsibilities (e.g., Technical group in the computer room; office personnel in a training room). The training team has paid serious attention to methods of delivery, and as a result while most employees will receive classroom presentations, certain groups will receive hands on training. In addition, several Powerpoint-based presentations will be made available on the project web site as a means of distributing key information about the project to all stakeholders. The following list was used as a guide in development of this training program: 21* Staff will receive training on new business processes prior to technology training, in order to help understanding and acceptance. 22* Advance arrangements have been made for all facilities and equipment required for training. 23* The training team will hold overview sessions with employees to explain conceptual differences between existing system and the new system. 24* Focused hands-on training will be provided where it can be expected to have significant impact. 25* Given the extensive nature of this implementation, the training team has developed module-specific curriculum outlines with learning objectives, agendas, materials, instructors, etc. 26* Training materials will be made specific to each audience. 27* We will use the train-the-trainer method as a means of cutting cost and also ensuring that training can be made available in the future. 28* The training team plans to develop job aids (checklists, workflow summaries, etc.) for use after rollout. 29* The training team w ill conduct surveys to evaluate the effectiveness of training. The organization will use this information to improve the training program in future implementations. 6. Training Plan Strategy Identify different audiences who require training Conduct training needs assessment and skill gap analysis Document requirements for the training team –Training development Schedule Prepare managers and supervisors to coach their employees through the change Develop Transition plan Train Organization resources 7. Organizational Change Management: Approach and Resources For best results, the entire project team and all new users of the system should adopt the role of Change Agent for the project. Following are some of the tools identified for Organizational Change Management to be effective in a large and complex implementation project. Review these tools with the project team. Select those that will provide the most benefit to your project and summarize how you intend to use them.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

child development :: essays research papers fc

â€Å"Fact: Middle children have it hard† Bello, Fausat Child Development 1 Hammond, Online education Name: Lindsey  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Age: 15 Grade: 11 Household #: 5 Siblings: 3 Other : Middle child 1. Your favorite nickname? Fritz 2. Do you have any pets? Yes, two rabbits. 3. What is your favorite color? Black & pink 4. What is your favorite scent? Vanilla & strawberry 5. What's your favorite drink? Red Wine 6. What food do you hate? Liver (not liver spread) 7. What was your favorite subject at school? Social Studies & English 8. What was your least favorite subject at school? Math & Physics 9. The strangest thing you've ever done? Dyeing my hair blue-green (like I swallowed those pills taken by the Thompson twins)! 10. Favorite movie? September Tapes, Corto Maltese: La cour secrà ¨te des Arcanes, Kill Bill, Addams Family, A Series of Unfortunate Events, & Sleepy Hollow 11. Favorite actor? Johnny Depp 12. Favorite actress? Christina Ricci 13. Favorite travel destination? (Still needs to travel) 14. Favorite month, why? December because the weather's cooler. 15. The high point of your life? Cleaning up my act during college. 16. What novel are you reading right now? (None) 17. Favorite novel? Other Side of Midnight by Sydney Sheldon 18. Your favorite music right now? Ramones & Black Sabbath 19. What are your best qualities? Loyal to friends, loves to learn new stuff, & open-minded. 20. What are your worst qualities? Introvert at times, easily gets bored, & a glutton (though I weigh 97 lbs.). 21. If you were a character in a Tintin story, which one would you be? A merchant like Oliveira da Figueira. 22. If you were a historical character, who would you be? Queen Elizabeth I 23. How are you feeling today? Bored. Name: Wasiu  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Age: 16 Grade: 11 Household #: 6 Siblings:5 Other :Oldest 1. Your favorite nickname? The Smurf 2. Do you have any pets? Two cats, Scaramouche and Pyewacket 3. What is your favorite color? RED 4. What is your favorite scent? Coffee brewing 5. What's your favorite drink? Coffee!!! 6. What food do you hate? Italian food-I can never taste it. Give me SPICES people! 7. What was your favorite subject at school? Everything but math 8. What was your least favorite subject at school? Math 9. The strangest thing you've ever done? Dressed as Captain Skut from Flight 714 for Halloween (I'm female and most definitely NOT blonde) 10. Favorite movie? I Shot Andy Warhol 11. Favorite actor?

Monday, November 11, 2019

Movies Afecting Indian Youth

One Stop for Colleges Education Career ? ? Covers complete IITJEE/AIEEE syllabus ? ? ? Chemistry, Maths and Physics Sections ? Its Free ? Lessons, tests by IIT/NIT toppers 1000+ Questions and Sample tests Last minute preparation and help Minglebox Engineering Prep Free Online Preparation for Engineering with Minglebox Engineering Prep. Cover basic concepts of under â€Å"Section† for Engineering Entrance Exam Preparation with Study material, solved examples and tests prepared by IIT/NIT toppers. 1 Minglebox Engineering Prep Minglebox. om Communication systems Electronic communication refers to the faithful transfer of informationor message (available in the form of electrical voltage and current)from one point to another point. Transmitter, transmission channel and receiver are three basic unitsof a communication system. 2 Minglebox Engineering Prep Minglebox. com Transducer: Any device that converts one form ofenergy into another can be termed as a transducer. Signal: Informa tion converted in electrical form and suitable for transmission is called a signal.Signals can be either analog or digital. Noise: Noise refers to the unwanted signals that tend to disturb the transmission and processing of message signals in a communication system. Transmitter: A transmitter processes the incoming message signal so as to make it suitable for transmis sion through a channel and subsequent reception. Receiver: A receiver extracts the desired message signals from the received signals at the channel output. Attenuation: The loss of strength of a signal while propagating through a medium is known as attenua tion.Amplification: It is the process of increasing the amplitude (and consequently the strength) of a signal using an electronic circuit called the amplifier. 3 Minglebox Engineering Prep Minglebox. com Range: It is the largest distance between a source and a destination up to which the signal is received with sufficient strength. Bandwidth: Bandwidth refers to the frequency range over which an equipment operates or the portion of the spectrum occupied by the signal.Modulator: At the transmitter, information contained in the low frequency message signal is superimposed on a high frequency wave, which acts as a carrier of the information. This process is known as modulation. As will be explained later, there are several types of modulation, abbreviated as AM, FM and PM. Demodulation: The process of retrieval of information from the carrier wave at the receiver is termed demodulation. This is the reverse process of modulation. Repeater: A repeater is a combination of a receiver and a transmitter.A repeater, picks up the signal from the transmitter, amplifies and retransmits it to the receiver sometimes with a change in carrier frequency. 4 Minglebox Engineering Prep Minglebox. com Two important forms of communication system are: Analog and Digital. The information to be transmitted is generally in continuous waveform for the former while for the latter it has only discrete or quantised levels. Every message signal occupies a range of frequencies. The bandwidth of a message signal refers to the band of frequencies, which are necessary for satisfactory transmission of the infor mation contained in the signal.Similarly, any practical communication system permits transmission of a range of frequencies only, which is referred to as the bandwidth of the system. Low frequencies cannot be transmitted to long distances. Therefore, they are superimposed on a high frequency carrier signal by a process known as modulation. In modulation, some characteristic of the carrier signal like amplitude, frequency or phase varies in accordance with the modulating or message signal. Correspondingly , they are called Amplitude Modulated (AM), Frequency Modulated (FM) or Phase Modulated (PM) waves. 5Minglebox Engineering Prep Minglebox. com Pulse modulation could be classified as: Pulse Amplitude Modulation(PAM), Pulse Duration Modulation (PDM) or Pulse Width Modulation(PWM) and Pulse Position Modulation (PPM). For transmission over long distances, signals are radiated into spaceusing devices called antennas. The radiated signals propagate aselectromagnetic waves and the mode of propagation is influenced bythe presence of the earth and its atmosphere. Near the surface of theearth, electromagnetic waves propagate as surface waves. Surface wavepropagation is useful up to a few MHz frequencies.Long distance communication between two points on the earth isachieved through reflection of e lectromagnetic waves by ionosphere. Such waves are called sky waves. Sky wave propagation takes place upto frequency of about 30 MHz. Above this frequency, electromagneticwaves essentially propagate as space waves. Space waves are used forline-of-sight communication and satellite communication. 6 Minglebox Engineering Prep Minglebox. com If an antenna radiates electromagnetic waves from a height hT, thenthe range dT is given by v2RhT whereR is t he radius of the earth.Amplitude modulated signal contains frequencies (? c –? m ), ? c and (? c +? m) Amplitude modulated waves can be produced by application of the message signal and the carrier wave to a non linear device, followed by a band pass filter. AM detection, which is the process of recovering the modulating signal from an AM waveform, is carried out using a rectifier and an envelope detector. 7 Minglebox Engineering Prep Minglebox. com Sample Examples A message signal of frequency 10 kHz and peak voltageof 10 volts is used to modulate a carrier of frequency 1 MHz and peakvoltage of 20 volts.Determine (a) modulation index, (b) the side bandsproduced. Solution (a) Modulation index =10/20 = 0. 5 (b) The side bands are at (1000+10 kHz)=1010 kHz and(1000 –10 kHz) = 990 kHz. A transmitting antenna at the top of a tower has a height32 m and the height of the receiving antenna is 50 m. What is themaximum distance between them for satisfactory communication inLOS mode? Given radius of earth 6. 4 ? 106 m. Solution = v2 *64*105*32 + v2 *64*105*50 = 64 ? 102 ? v10 + 8 ? 103 ? v10 m =144 ? 102 ? 10 m = 45. 5 km 8 Minglebox Engineering Prep Minglebox. com

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Gender relationships in one of the two course plays Essay

Show how gender relationships in one of the two course plays is used by the playwright to throw light on our understanding of the main character, and the overall themes of the play. A view from the bridge is based in Brooklyn, an Italian community set in the 1950s. This particular part of the 20th century was seen as a rather sexist era. Men were a lot more dominant, women were known to stay at home cooking and cleaning-like every wife seems to do today! However aside from that, men felt like they had to be ‘men’ all the time. They felt like if they expressed their feelings, talked about their troubles or cried, these men would be laughed at and ridiculed. Eddie Carbone is a hard working longshoreman who works on the docks in his local area. Eddie is a typical bloke; he is a proud and stubborn man but is a loving husband to his wife Beatrice and a caring father figure to his niece Catherine. To the audience in the first part of the play Eddies comes across as the typical over protective father, however as the play progresses his feelings for Catherine become obvious that they are a lot heavier than what we are led to believe. Throughout the play we discover Eddie has fallen in love with his niece but his feelings are not sexual, in my opinion it is an obsessive need that cant be controlled as realized by Alfieri, â€Å"Something perversely pure calls to me from his memory – not purely good, but himself purely, for he allowed himself to be wholly known. † Alfieri realizes his feelings for Catherine are exceptionally powerful and that their would be nothing that Eddie could do to control them or dissolve them. Eddie tries to open up to Alfieri but can’t quite get the words out of what he wants to say. There is also one other particular part of the play when Eddie goes to see Alfieri in his office. Eddie goes to seek advice in order to prevent Catherine from marrying Rodolpho. Alfieri subtly mentions Eddie’s feelings but doesn’t quite mention them in so many words. Alfieri says, â€Å"When the law is wrong it’s because it is unnatural, but in this case it is natural and a river will drown you if you buck it now. Let her go. † Alfieri is saying that it is illegal for Eddie to get involved with Catherine sexually. It goes against the natural order. However the only advice Alfieri can give is to turn Rodolpho and Marco in to immigration, but with them being family it wouldn’t be a wise move. Eddies love for Catherine is so strong that he is willing to go to any means necessary to stop her marrying Rodolpho, making the call to immigration the only way out of the predicament. Eddie calls immigration, aware of his betrayal to Beatrice but he is doing it out of love for Catherine. Beatrice also realizes Eddie’s feelings for Catherine, in one [particular scene Eddie ad Beatrice have a slight disagreement over Catherine which later leads to an argument over lack of sex. Beatrice wants to know, â€Å"When am I gonna be a wife again, Eddie? † Beatrice says it in this context rather than come straight out and says when are we going to have sex again. This way avoids embarrassment but still gets the point across without having to actually say it. Beatrice wants to talk about what is happening but she can’t get Eddie to open up to her. Eddies feelings are putting a strain on the marriage, sexually, physically and emotionally. But Eddie,

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Tata Motors Essays

Tata Motors Essays Tata Motors Paper Tata Motors Paper Tata Motors were inspired to build the Tata Nano by seeing a father driving his families around with scooter. From the text, Tata was speaking at the unveiling ceremony at the 9th Auto Expo in New Delhi, He states that â€Å"I observed families riding on two-wheelers, the father driving the scooter, his young kid standing in front of him, his wife seat behind him holding a little baby. It led me to wonder whether one could conceive of a safe, affordable, all-weather form of transport for such a family† he knew that he could come up with something and help them. There was a need of inexpensive car in India because the consuming of cars in India was half of the population and the rest are motorcycles and scooters so he wanted to replace them to Tata Nano. According to the text, â€Å"the car is aimed at keeping the families of India’s growing middle class from having to travel with as many as four people on a scooter†. Tata Motors did a research on the customer by studying and trying to understand them. Understanding the customer’s values and what they need was the key concept to Tata and how the Nano car will be built and function. The engineers worked to do more with less. Tata has could cut down the price by asking his engineers and suppliers to redesign the many components to cut costs. For example, speedometer was placed the center of the dashboard over the air events, not behind the steering wheel, which the dashboard can be built with fewer parts. Tata and his engineer did their best to cut costs and meet the target of $2,500 for the price of the car. I think low price means poor quality because the main purpose of producing Tata Nano is to attract the middle class who couldn’t afford expensive car which lead cost-cutting ideas such as, eliminate actuators in the headlights, the levelers that adjust the angle of the beam depending on how the car was loaded. Nano is much lighter than comparable models because they reduce the amount of steel in the car including the use of aluminum engine and the use of lightweight steel as possible. Tata motors had originally planned to manufacture Nano in Singur, West Bengal, India. However, the problem arose immediately after the purchased of the land from West Bengal government. Because the government did not actually own the land, but acquired it from local farmers by imposing the force of eminent domain. The protests hinged upon allegations that Tata forced farmers from their land and handed out payments that were a portion of the land’s value. The dispute went to the peak, over thirty thousand activities and farmers were overwhelmed in Singur, West Bengal state, to march against the plant. The highway leading to Singur was blocked and Tata Motors was force to evacuate employees from the plant site. Employees failed to show up to work after a threats from protestors. Finally, Tata Motors was putting detailed plan together for the relocation of the plant and machinery, but ended up in Tata’s existing factory in Pantnagar in Uttarakhand. The important features of the Indian economic environment were land, because most was issued for agriculture. Local farmers living related to land. Therefore, doing business in India has to consider about the land and local farmers.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Important Aspect Of Macro Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Important Aspect Of Macro Economics - Essay Example The two papers selected for this essay are â€Å"Unemployment rises in every state† by â€Å"Conor Dougherty† which was published in Wall Street Journal in 2009, and â€Å"Who loses fro unemployment† by William Darity, Jr. and this paper was published in Journal of Economic issues in 1999. Both these articles talk about unemployment, and that is how these are related to study of macro economics. The purpose of this paper is to provide an insight over macro economic issues being discussed in these two articles. Analysis: Dougherty (2009) has discussed the existing situation of increased unemployment rates in the United States. As per the reports of Labor Department, recession of macroeconomic nature has hit all industries by now. Industries like housing and manufacturing have lost more jobs. West and Midwest of the United States has shown a steep decline in number of jobs being available in open market. In the northeastern states too, unemployment figures are grow ing steeply. As per the article, United States lost two million jobs from September 2008 to December 2008. The unemployment rate in 2008 December was 7.2% for the nation, but earlier on, the financial jobs were secure which are now losing ground like all other industries. Miami, Phoenix, Los Angeles and Las Vegas have experienced a decline in job opportunities available at an alarming rate. South Carolina and Indiana have seen a sharp rise in unemployment rate. Also, the states of Michigan and Rhode Island crossed 10% mark, which is the highest and the worst in the country. The paper in general is written in a way which is easily understandable for general readers. Dougherty (2009) has taken help from figures, facts and statistics to prove his point. He has clearly made his point that unemployment is on the rise in whole United States, and it is happening at an alarming rate. He is also given due importance to the policies current government of Mr. Barrack Obama is following. The pa per is very much narrative in style. It has explained the existing situation and has pointed it out that it is a serious situation. Neither the causes nor the effects of this situation have been discussed in this paper. Looking at the population of America, it has grown steadily over past few decades. With a population growth rate of 0.963% (July 2011 estimate) a clear majority of American population is in the age where they need jobs. Source: The above mentioned graph shows that most of the U.S. population is in the age group of 15-64 thus a clear majority of American population is ready to work, but unemployment has become a serious problem for them. Rates of unemployment have increased steadily over past few years. This has its own impacts over American population. Source: The other paper under discussion here discusses the impacts of u nemployment. Darity (1999) has opened his paper with a discussion about laborers who have highly irregular employment and he has discussed them from the point of view of Carl Marx as presented by him in 1967. Marx has discussed this population as surplus. The three categories of this unemployed surplus population include those who are able to work and who want to work and are actively seeking employment. The second category includes pauper children and orphans and then third category are those people who are not fit for

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Research Article Summary Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Article Summary - Research Paper Example There exist short and long term side effects of induced abortions which adversely affect teenagers reproductive health (Wang, Hertog, Meier, Lou, & Gao, 2005). Contraceptive measure is the most effective way to tackle the issue of teenage pregnancy, however very little is known about the attitudes, behavior, and knowledge related to contraception among pregnant teenagers in China. Previous studies have indicated that youths in China had sub optimal level of knowledge regarding sexual matters specifically with regard to the issue of contraception (Wang et al., 2007; Wu, Xiong, & Significance to nursing: The results of this study could be useful for improving health services for teenagers in China. Moreover, the findings will help clinicians to understand the attitude of teenagers towards contraception and thus in designing new pregnancy preventive measures. Moreover, the data collected in this study will act as secondary information for future nursing research on teenage pregnancy. Teenage pregnancy: It is defined as the pregnancy of young woman who is expecting child birth before the age of 20 irrespective of whether the woman is married or not. It is often associated with health risks to mother and baby such as high blood pressure and premature birth. This is a quantitative research in which investigator has designed questionnaire to survey 53 pregnant teenagers in China about their knowledge, attitudes, and behavior regarding contraceptives use. The representative sample was from four women and children health care hospitals in Beijing, China. The inclusion criteria were that teenagers age should be between 10 to 19 years. The survey was conducted in April 2007 to June 2007. The purpose of the study and its design was explained to selected teenagers when they reached hospitals for induced abortions. They were asked to fill the questionnaire on their consent. Two questionnaires were used in this study- The Demographic